musings, stories + helpful things
for photographers, students + bibliophiles
Why you should have your brand photographed and 4 things to look out for.
Why shoot-a-long sessions not only build confidence but boost your business.
Rebrand Your Negative - A mindset guide for photographers.
Why the wrong clients coming to you isn’t always a bad thing
The Importance of Self Portraits Q&A
The Ultimate Guide to Shooting Dark & Moody Intimate Imagery
The UK’s First Birth Photography Workshop
Stop selling, start showing. How to make meaningful art and get hired to do so.
Intimate At-Home Self Portraits with my Husband
Golden Hour Branding Session
Take the Picture - a passioned blog entry by a teary-eyed mama.
Two Suits in a Field - a conceptual shoot.
How to attract your ideal photography clients - a written exercise and task.
How to attract your ideal photography clients - a written exercise and task. Grab yourself a pen and paper and start working to get the clients that are right for you.