Rebrand Your Negative - A mindset guide for photographers.

It’s really hard to get our heads out the storm clouds when things we’ve planned or ideas we’ve had don’t pan out. I get that. I’ve struggled with this for the longest time and still struggle to this day.

I made an executive decision to find a way to keep a level head and attempt to see the positive out of almost every negative situation. Saying that, some things are just shitty - and that’s okay. Your feelings are valid and every emotion you experience can benefit how you go forward with coping with the negativity.
Something I’ve learnt to do is to Rebrand my thoughts (as best I can) and try and take some positivity out of a shitty situation.

For example, if you set out to make a lasagne but got half way and didn’t have lasagne sheets and only had spaghetti, it’s not a failed lasagne, it’s now a banging bolognese.

Now we can’t always do this, but we sure as heck can try.

Here’s how I recently rebranded a situation that didn’t go as planned. 

I had a couples shoot planned for Sunday morning but we had to reschedule as both my lovely clients were poorly. So I sent them a virtual hug, some ridiculous voice notes, potential dates for rescheduling and then made the day my own. I took my husband out to the same location, got dressed up and took some self portraits. 

All images are edited with HBP Presets - you can get your collection here

I was super excited to have some more couples imagery for my portfolio but obviously wouldn’t have any if I just stayed at home and didn’t do anything except sitting in the sadness. Now I have two shoots worth of imagery. Score!

Sometimes rescheduling happens, so let’s do something you’ve been putting off in the time the shoot would have taken. Self portraits, you now have an extra hour to play. Blogging, you now can get all that wisdom down out and into the world. (I’m currently writing this on the train!)

I found the more I go along with the flow of things, the happier I am and I’m having a lot more fun in life! I love getting creative and sometimes a case of sickness, rescheduling or maybe even the universe is saying, “Here’s your chance to do thing you’ve been putting off. Take that leap of creative faith.”

After all, our creativity doesn’t exist without YOU. It comes from within, and it’s up to us to get it out.

If you needed a sign to just go and do whatever it is, this is it.

This is your sign.

Rebrand the negative.

Don’t wait for the opportunity, because it’s right in front of you. 

These images are now some of my favourite, and I wouldn’t have them if I hadn’t seized that opportunity, so go take the images you’ve always wanted. 

If that’s not something you want to do yourself but are super keen to have couples images like these, I’m your gal.

I’ll take you up a beachside mountain, we’ll splash in the sea. If you’re adventurous souls, we’re the perfect match.
Fill out the contact form HERE and let’s make some of your favourite memories.

If you’re looking to go take your own and want cinematic, moody, Outlander vibes, you can shop the HBP presets here. Come join the dark and moody community on Instagram by tagging your images #HBPpresets.


Make your own memories. Rebrand your negative. You can do anything you put your mind to. Seize the opportunity.

As always, all my love and kindness,

Han xxxxx


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