Take the Picture - a passioned blog entry by a teary-eyed mama.
I was in labour here.
It had just turned July.
I stood by my window, vulnerable, afraid, nervous.
A shift had happened.
I was ready for baby before this moment.
The moment it started.
It wouldn’t be just me and my daughter anymore.
I didn’t know how to process that.
I slept in her bed that night.
Hugged her extra tightly, just in case that would be the last goodnight squeeze before I’d have someone else to wish sweet dreams to.
I got my camera, balanced it precariously on my chest of drawers, tried to focus through teary eyes and set a timer.
My heart is pounding even writing this.
I’m not sure I fully revisited the importance of this image to me.
I know how I felt.
I feel it now.
I see it.
It’s different to you, I’m sure.
And that’s okay.
This photo was for me.
Only for me.
I’m out of focus but the outside world isn’t.
That couldn’t express more how I was feeling.
How I felt so deeply.
A shift.
A huge one.
The world bustling on, unaware new life was on the way.
Me, a portal between two worlds, unable to focus, unable to think.
I took the picture.
I was annoyed it was blurry.
I see now why that makes all the difference.
Why it was meant to be that way.
Something shifted that day.
And today, too as I revisit this image.
I see myself, and everything I felt.
I see it.
I feel it.
I know it needed to happen.
So please.
Take the pictures, be in the pictures, have someone take them for you.
Revisit them years on.
You’ll notice something.
A shift.