How to attract your ideal photography clients - a written exercise and task.

Are you feeling a bit stuck on how to find those clients that give you everything you dreamed of and more? Did it happen once or has it not happened yet? (If it hasn’t happened yet, keep reading, there’s a way you can still do this exercise).

Do you have a session that you ALWAYS go back to? One that just exceeded expectations from start to finish? One that never truly finished because you’ve maybe stayed in touch with the clients or you keep sharing the images?

Do you also find yourself wondering and wishing that every session could be like that? 

Well, I have two thoughts here. Not every session will go as well as that one and we wouldn’t want it to. How would we learn otherwise? 

On the other hand, we can learn to make the most out of our sessions so that they have the potential to be your next favourite session.

So how do we do that? 

Get yourselves a pen and paper, or something more electronically savvy if you’d prefer and answer these in detail. I suggest trying a spider diagram! If it’s not happened yet, don’t fret, my babies, just answer these questions with the things you’d like to happen.

Let’s get into it.

  1. How did the clients find you? Social media (which one?), website, word of mouth (thank your previous clients for this!), model call? Consider writing down where the majority of your enquiries come from.

  2. What vibe did you get from the clients at first contact? How were your conversations from first enquiry to booking? What did YOU do differently that made all the difference?

  3. When you met up, how did you feel? Did you get on like old friends? Did you go in with confidence?

  4. What were you wearing? Were you comfortable and could move with ease?

  5. Who picked the location? Did you scout it beforehand? Did this help?

  6. How did the session go? Did you try something new? Did you plan out some images beforehand? Did you feel prepared?

  7. Did you get ‘that’ feeling when you took and image and looked at the back of your camera? Did it rock so freaking hard that you maybe danced a little or just had to show your clients?

  8. How did you feel going to edit? Were you excited? Were you listening to music or had something on that made you enjoy the editing process?

  9. What do you feel when you look at the gallery as a whole? Is it cohesive? Does it flow? Does it tell the story of their time well?

  10. How did you feel before sending the gallery? (Nervous is good!)

  11. What feedback did you get? Did they mention anything about the session or something you did that made them feel comfortable etc?

Now answer these:

  1. What can you do next time to get the same feeling in every stage of the process (correspondence, scouting, session, editing, delivery etc)?

  2. How did YOU feel working with these clients? Do you want to feel that way again?

  3. How did you feel during the session? Can you emulate some of the practical things you did in future sessions?

The more we do these things and the more we share the type of imagery we want to be shooting, the more the right type of clients will come to you.

Answer all these questions thoroughly, really take your time on this exercise.

After all, if you don’t do the work, you won’t get the work.

Look hard at the changes you need to make to be consistent in getting the clients that make your heart sing. Remember, this shit takes time. Keep pushing, keep working.

Let me know once you’ve completed your exercise on Instagram, I’d love to hear how it went for you!!

All my love and kindness,

Han xxxxxx


Two Suits in a Field - a conceptual shoot.