The Kefi Club | Photography Courses And Education For Motherhood, Newborn And Wedding Photographers.

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Stop selling, start showing. How to make meaningful art and get hired to do so.

As creatives, it’s hard enough pushing your art without feeling sales-y. We make our art because we feel passionate about what we’re creating and it stings like a mother-fudger when it gets rejected or doesn’t sell.

Let’s take it back to basics.

WHO are you creating it for?

If the answer is for other people, maybe have a think about making the answer for yourself.

Here’s why ↓

We didn’t start creating when we were younger with the intention of making money or owning our own business, we did it for fun and because we got serious enjoyment and fulfilment from it. The purpose of us creating is because it fulfils us emotionally, mentally and physically. We feel whole when we create for us. Take yourself back to when you were a kid - how did you FEEL when you were creating?

The more you create the work and art for you, the more the clients that respond to your emotional outlet will come to you and resonate with your work.

If you want to be shooting more maternity images in the sea or more branding clients that want to get creative, you have to show that you offer it. So how do we go about getting the attention of those clients? By making the work and showing it. So, GO AND MAKE IT.

Grab a friend, put out a model call, take some creative self portraits in the style that you want to be shooting.

Imagine this:

A shopkeeper is really passionate about selling bananas, but you walk into the shop and only see oranges. What are you more likely to buy? The oranges, right? That’s because they’re not showing you that they even sell bananas, so how would you even know it was on offer?

Apply this theory to your work; you want to sell maternity, so show that you offer it. Your Instagram is your online portfolio and your digital store front.

Go make art that is meaningful to you and the clients that resonate with your honesty will show up.

Stop selling, start showing.

If you are completely stuck, fret not, this is actually a good thing.

Admitting we’re stuck means we can get the help we need to start thriving again. You’d never be able to do that if you didn’t admit it. So, go you!!

I offer 1-1 Power Hour sessions where we brainstorm and get your business back on track. You can easily book yourself in HERE and we can start making your art show the F up to clients that will appreciate you!

Go sell your bananas, babe! You got this.

All my love and kindness,

Han xxxxxx